Contact Luxe & Humble


Phone: 0439 854 867

Location: Werribee, Victoria, Australia

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  • 5 custom lampshade stacked on a restored wool table.

    Custom Lampshades

    In our experience off-the-shelf lampshades are decidedly underwhelming. Work with us to create shades you'll love!

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  • Perwinkle, Navy & Pink Gingham cushions on a bed with an upholstered bedhead.

    Bespoke Cushions

    Do you have a space that requires some soft furnishings to really make it pop, but you're really struggling to find anything ready made that feels 'just right'?

    Bespoke Cushion Service 
  • Upholstery & Fabric Sourcing

    At Luxe & Humble we provide a full upholstery service. Everything from helping you to choose the perfect fabric to arranging feature cushions to make your piece really pop!

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